NEET Biology | Daily MCQs Practice Questions | 29 July 2024 | NEET Exam

Engage with NEET Biology Daily MCQs Practice Questions for NEET exam preparations through daily updated online quiz (29 July 2024).

Jul 29, 2024 - 22:21
Jul 29, 2024 - 22:01
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1. Question

Number of chromatids in chromosome at metaphase is :-

Two each in mitosis and meiosis

Two in mitosis and one in meiosis

Two in mitosis and four in meiosis

One in mitosis and two in meiosis

2. Question

Following are the events occurs during meiosis:
(A) Appearance of chiasmata
(B) Synapsis
(C) Assembly of meiotic spindle
(D) Use of recombinase enzyme

Choose the correct sequence :-

A → B → C → D 

B → D → A → C

D → C → B → A

B → C → A → D

3. Question

Best stages to study morphology and shape of chromosome are respectively

Metaphase, Telophase

Prophase, Anaphase

Telophase, Anaphase 

Metaphase, Anaphase

4. Question

In a protein chain the first amino acid is also called :-

N – terminal amino acid 

C – terminal amino acid

Both of them


5. Question

True statement for cellulose molecule -

 β - 1'- 4" linkage, unbranched

β - 1'- 4" linkage, branched

α - 1' - 4" linkage, branched

β - 1' - 6" linkage, unbranched

6. Question

Glycerol is also known as :-

Dihydroxy ethane 

Trihydroxy propane

Tetrahydroxy butane 

Trihydroxy methane

7. Question

In gel electrophoresis, all the DNA fragments move towards the base of the gel with variable velocity because :-

DNA is negatively charged 

DNA is possitively charged

DNA fragments have different molecular weight 

(1) & (3) both

8. Question

In a vector which of the following is helpful in selection of transformants ?

Restriction site

Origin of replication point

Selectable marke

Cloning site

9. Question

Statement-I : Biolistic method is used for gene transfer in plant.
Statement-II : DNA is coated on Gold and Tungsten Particle in Gene Gun method.

Both Statement-I and Statement-II is incorrect.

Statement-I is correct but Statement-II is incorrect.

Statement-I is incorrect but Statement-II is correct.

Both Statement-I and Statement-II are correct.

10. Question

If a pBR322 vector is cut by Pst I enzyme then which of its marker gene shows insertional inactivation-

TetR gene 

AmpR gene

Gal gene

Rop gene

11. Question

DNA or RNA fragment tagged with a radioactive molecule is called :





12. Question

Transgenic tobacco which is developed through RNA interference, prevent the infestation of :

A nematode – Meloidegyne incognitia 

A bacterium – Pseudomonas putida

A fungi – Trichoderma

A insect – Aphid

13. Question

The problem of blindness in poor countries can be overcome by using :-

Golden rice

Transgenic maize

Transgenic Tomato

Bt Brinjal

14. Question

Which statement is wrong for RNA interference?

RNAi takes place in all prokaryotic organisms as a method of cellular defence.

This method involves silencing of a specific mRNA due to a complementary ds RNA.

The source of complementary ds RNA could be from a mobile genetic element (transposons) that replicate via RNA intermediate.

Agrobacterium vectors can be used to transfer gene which induce RNAi.

15. Question

Indian government organisation which make decision regarding validity of GM research and safety of introducing GMO for public services is:-




Eli lily

16. Question

Which of the following is not the use of transgenic animals;

Study of normal physiology and development 

Testing of vaccine safety

Production of biological products 

Molecular diagnosis

17. Question

Feather like gills are present in :-





18. Question

Which is correctly matched in the given table?

Group Number of chambers in Heart Type of circulation Blood is oxygenated by
1. Fish 1 single Gills
2. Amphibia 3 incomplete double circulation Lungs
3. Reptiles 3 Complete Double circulation Gills
4. Birds 4 Double circulation Cloaca/Skin





19. Question

Which blood vessel is carrying least CO2 ?

Vena cava 

Hepatic vein

Pulmonary vein

Pulmonary artery


Pons varoli is characterised by a centre called :

Hunger centre 

Thirst centre

Cardiac acceleratory centre

Pneumotaxic centre

21. Question

Assertion (A) : The immune responses of old persons become weak.
Reason (R) : Thymus is degenerated in old individuals resulting in a decreased production of thymosins

If both Assertion & Reason are True & the Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.

If both Assertion & Reason are True but Reason is not a correct explanation of the Assertion.

If Assertion is True but the Reason is False.

If both Assertion & Reason are False.

22. Question

Anatomical unit of muscle is :



Muscle fibre

Actin and myosin

23. Question

Statement I : The regions inside the seminiferous tubules called interstitial space contain Leydig cells.
Statement II : Leydig cells of testis synthesise and secrete testicular hormones called androgens.

Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect

Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect

Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct

Both Statement I and Statement II are correct

24. Question

How many of the below are incorrect about given diagram :-

(a) Gives cell mediated immunity
(b) T-cells themselves do not secrete but help B-cell to produce them.
(c) Disulphide bond present
(d) H2L2 molecule
(e) Protein molecule





25. Question

One of the biggest land reptiles were dinosaurs, out of which ______________ was about 20 feet in height and had huge fearsome dagger like teeth.



