Evolution MCQs | NCERT Biology Chapter 6 | for NEET Exam

Chapter-wise Multiple Choice Questions on 'Evolution' for NEET UG Examination, based on NCERT Biology Class-12 (Chapter 6) with Answer Key and Solutions.

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Read the book NCERT Biology class-12 (chapter- 6): Evolution from here.

1. Question

Which of the following had smallest brain capacity?

Modern man

Java man

Neanderthal man

Homo habilis

2. Question

Homologous structures are a result of:

Divergent evolution

Convergent evolution

Stabilizing selection

Artificial selection

3. Question

The study of history of life forms on earth is called?




Evolutionary biology

4. Question

Which scientist had said that evolution of life forms had occured but driven by use and disuse of organs:


Hugo de vries

S.L. miller

A.I. oparin

5. Question

Which one of the following factors are known to affect hardy-weinberg equilibrium:

Gene migration


Natural selection

All of these

6. Question

Select the correct option for the given diagram:

Picture showing convergent evolution of Australian Marsupials and placental mammals (figure 6.7 NCERT biology class 12 chapter 6)





7. Question

Statement -I: Early greek thinkers thought units of life called spores were transferred to different planets including earth.
Statement-II: For a long time it was also believed that life comes out of decaying and rotting matter like straw, mud etc. this was the theory of spontaneous generation.

Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect

Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect

Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct

Both Statement I and Statement II are correct

8. Question

Given below are two statements:
Statement I: When Darwin spoke of the struggle for existence and survival of the fittest in Natures he was convinced that interspecific competition is a potent force in organic evolution.
Statement II: The abingdon tortoise in galapagos islands became extinct within a decade after goats were introduced on the island, apparently due to the greater browsing efficiency of the goats.

Choose the correct answer from the option given below.

Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect

Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect

Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct

Both Statement I and Statement II are correct

9. Question

Given below are two statements:

Statement I: Evolution by natural selection, in a true sense would have started when cellular forms of life with difference in metabolic capability originated on earth.
Statement II : When more than one adaptive radiation appeared to have occurred in an isolated geographical area (representing different habitats), one can call this convergent evolution.

Choose the correct answer from the option given below:

Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect

Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect

Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct

Both Statement I and Statement II are correct

10. Question

In which type of natural selection more individuals acquire peripheral character value at both ends of the distribution curve:





11. Question

The sea weeds and few plants existed probably around ________:

Fill in the blanks in the sentence

350 mya

320 mya

500 mya

100 mya

12. Question

Select the correct match:

Column A Column B
A. Mutation I. Darwin
B. Natural selection II. Random and directionless
C. Big bang theory III. Stanley Miller
D. Simulation experiment IV. Origin of universe

 A–II, B– I, C–III, D–IV




13. Question

The bones of forelimbs of whale, bat, cheetah and man are similar in structure, because:

one organism has given rise to another

they share a common ancestor

they perform the same function

they have chemical dissimilarities