Photosynthesis in Higher Plants MCQs | NCERT Biology

Chapter-wise MCQs on 'Photosynthesis in Higher Plants' for NEET Examination, based on NCERT Biology Class-11 (Chapter-11) with Answer Key and Solutions.

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Aug 29, 2024 - 13:16
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Read the book NCERT Biology class-11 (chapter- 11): Photosynthesis in Higher Plants from here.

1. Question

"CO2 is a major limiting factor in photosynthesis". Select the incorrect statement from the options given below.

More than 0.05% of CO2 can be damaging over long periods.

At low light conditions and high CO2 concentration, C3 plants show increased rate of photosynthesis

At low light intensity and high CO2 concentration, C4 plants don't respond.

At high light intensity, C3 plants show increased rate of photosynthesis.

2. Question

Which of the following is chief pigment associated with photosynthesis ?





3. Question

Which of the following pigment doesn't occur in chloroplast ?




Chlorophyll b

4. Question

The primary CO2 acceptor in bundle Sheath cells of C4 plant is :





5. Question

Optimum CO2 concentration for maize and wheat respectively are :

450 µℓL-1 and 360 µℓL-1

360 µℓL-1 and 450 µℓL-1

360 µℓL-1 and 360 µℓL-1

450 µℓL-1 and 450 µℓL-1

6. Question

In the chromatogram prepared using paper chromatography, chlorophyll-b appears as:

Bright green




7. Question

Which of the following statement is true during photosynthesis:

Several factors interact and simultaneously affect photosynthesis

Usually one factor is the major cause and limit the rate

At any point the rate will be determined by the factor available at sub optimal levels

All of these are true

8. Question

The maximum photosynthesis takes place in which region of the spectrum:

Blue and Red

Blue and Green

Green and Red

Yellow and Green

9. Question

Select the correct statement for the given diagram:


  1.  It is a type of cell organelle
  2.  It is present in plants
  3.  It is involved in photosynthesis
  4.  It is involved in phosphorylation
  5.  It is double membrane bounded cell organelle

a, b, c, d, e

Only a, b, c, d

Only b, c, d

Only a, c, d

10. Question

Select the correct statement for the given diagram:

Diagram showing action spectrum of photosynthesis

Diagram showing action spectrum of

Diagram showing variety of limiting factor

Diagram showing dark reaction

Diagram showing chemiosmosis

11. Question

Photosynthesis is:

Endergonic, photochemical, anabolic and reductive process

Exergonic, reductive and catabolic process

Exergonic, reductive and anabolic process

Exergonic and chemosynthetic process

12. Question

What is not true about bundle sheath cells of maize:

They have numerous chloroplast

Intercellular spaces absent

Their walls are not impervious to gaseous exchange

Their walls are thick

13. Question

Which is the correct match:

T.W. Engelmann – Prism – Cladophora

Joseph Priestley – Prism – Cladophora (brown algae)

Jan Ingenhousz – Prism – Suspension of aerobic bacteria

Cornelius Van Neil – Prism-Hydrilla