Principles of Inheritance and Variation MCQs | NCERT Biology

Chapter-wise MCQs on 'Principles of Inheritance and Variation' for NEET UG Exam, based on NCERT Biology Class-12 (Chapter 4) with Answer Key and Solutions.

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Read the book NCERT Biology class-12 (chapter- 4): Principles of Inheritance and Variation from here.

1. Question

Read the following statements w.r.t Mendel's cross- hybridisation experiments using pure pea lines

  1. A pure line undergoes continuous self- pollination, shows stable trait inheritance and expression for several generations.
  2. Mendel considered seven characters for his experiments.
  3. Mendel selected 7 true-breeding plants for his experiments.

Choose the correct statement(s).

Only (a) and (b)

Only (b) and (c)

Only (c) and (a)

Only (c)

2. Question

In which genetic condition, each cell in the affected person has 44 + XO condition?

Down's syndrome

Klinefelter's syndrome

Turner's syndrome

Edwards syndrome

3. Question:

The best example for pleiotropy is:

Skin colour


Colour blindness

ABO blood group

4. Question

Statement-I : Recessive trait is seen due to non functional enzyme or because no enzyme is produced.
Statement-II : A true breeding line is one that, having undergone continuous self pollination, shows the stable trait inheritance.

Both Statement-I and II are correct.

Both Statement-I and II are incorrect.

Statement-I is correct but II is incorrect.

Statement-I is incorrect but II is correct.

5. Question

Mendelian result remain unrecognized till 1900 because:

Communication was not easy in those day

Mendels concept of gene as stable and discrete units was not accepted by his contemporaries

Mendels approach of using mathematics to explain biological phenomena was totally new

All the above

6. Question

Statement - I : In Morgan's experiment, cross-B showed less recombination than cross-A.
Statement - II : Walter Sutton and Theodore Boveri noted that the behaviour of chromosomes was parallel to the behaviour of genes

Statement I and II both are correct 

Statement I and II both are incorrect

Only Statement I is correct 

Only Statement II is correct

7. Question

If a trihybrid mulatto man marries with white woman, how many different types of phenotypes can be obtained ?





8. Question

Given below are two statements:

Statement I: Closely located genes assorted together and distantly located genes, due to recombination assorted independently.
Statement II : Many genes were linked to sexes also and called sex-linked genes.

Choose the correct answer from the option given below.

Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect

Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect

Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct

Both Statement I and Statement II are correct

9. Question

In the diagram given below how many are correct match:





10. Question

How many matching are correct:

Condition - Associated Disorder
a Aneuploidy - Down syndrome
b Polyploidy - Haemophilia
c Polyploidy - Colour blindness
d Clotting of blood affected - Haemophilia





11. Question

Which one of the following is the incorrect match regarding human blood group:

Total type of allele – Three

Total type of genotype possible – Six

Total type of blood group – Four

Total type of phenotype possible– Five

12. Question

Which one of the following disease are related with the given pedigree?


Sickel cell anaemia



13. Question

Select the correct statement for the given diagram:

  1.  It is related with mendelian disorder
  2.  It is related with sickle cell anaemia
  3.  It is related with haemoglobin
  4.  It is related with a type of mutation

a, b, c, d

Only a, b

Only c, d

Only a, b, c

14. Question

Which one of the following is Incorrect statement for artificial hybridisation :

It is one of the major Approaches of crop improvement progammes.

In this process emasculation and bagging techniques are involved

If the female parent produces unisexual flowers there is more need for emasculation

None of these

15. Question

Which one of the following matching is incorrect :

Down syndrome → 47 chromosome

Turner syndrome → 45 chromosome

 Klinefelter syndrome → 47 chromosome

None of these

16. Question

Out of a population of 1600 individuals in F2 generation of a cross between yellow round and green wrinkled seeds of pea plants, what would be the number of green wrinkled seeds:





17. Question

How many matching are correct regarding sex - determination:

a. Bird Female heterogamety
b. Grasshopper XO type
c. Human XY type
d. Bird Male heterogamety





18. Question

Select the correct statement for the given diagram:

Diagrammatic representation of a test cross

Diagrammatic representation of a linkage

Diagrammatic representation of dihybrid cross

Diagrammatic representation of a test cross

 Diagrammatic representation of aneuploidy

19. Question

In which genetical disease the number of chromosome is/are not change :

Cystic Fibrosis

Colour blindness



20. Question

Given below are two statements:
 Statement I: In Down syndrome palm is broad with characteristic palm crease.
 Statement II: In Down syndrome and Klinefelter syndrome total number of chromosome are same.

Choose the correct answer from the option given below:

Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect

Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect

Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct

Both Statement I and Statement II are correct

21. Question