Plant Growth and Development MCQs | NCERT Biology

This chapter-wise MCQs on 'Plant Growth and Development' for NEET aspirants, based on NCERT Biology Class-11 (Chapter-13) with Answer Key and Solutions.

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Read the book NCERT Biology class-11 (chapter- 13): Plant Growth and Development from here.

1. Question

The phytohormone which was first isolated from human urine is:

Gibberellic acid




2. Question

ABA induces :

Seed dormancy




3. Question

Which statement is not correct about ethylene ?

Synthesized in large amount by tissues undergoing senescence.

Enhances respiration rate

Break dormancy in peanut seeds

Promotes male flower in cucumber

4. Question

Select the correct pair :

Increase in sugarcane yeild – Ethylene

Delay of leaf senescence – ABA

Fruit & flower abscision in few plants – Ethylene

Sprouting of potato tubers – Cytokinin

5. Question

  1.  GA – Extend market period of fruits
  2.  Ethylene – Increase surface area of absorption
  3.  CK – Apical hook formation
  4.  GA – Internodal elongation in deep water rice plant

How many matches are incorrect ?





6. Question

Select the incorrect statement for Abscisic acid:

It acts as a general plant growth inhibitor and an inhibitor of plant metabolism

ABA inhibits seed germination

ABA helps seeds to withstand desiccation and other factors unfavourable for growth

In most situation, ABA act as an antagonist to ethylene

7. Question

Plants show another interesting phenomenon. The living differentiated cells, that by now have lost the capacity to divide can regain the capacity of division under certain conditions. This phenomenon is termed as:





8. Question

Match the following Columns :

Column I Column II
a. Adenine derivative i. Ethylene
b. Terpenes derivatives ii. Gibberellic acid
c. Gaseous hormone iii. Kinetin
d. Carotenoid derivative iv. Abscisic acid

a-i, b-ii, c-iii, d-iv

a-i, b-iii, c-ii, d-iv

a-ii, b-i, c-iii, d-iv

a-iii, b-ii, c-i, d-iv

9. Question

Given below are two statements:

Statement I: In arithemetic growth, following mitotic cell division, only one daughter cell continues to divide while the other differentiates and matures.
Statement II: Sigmoid curve is a characteristic of only large size organism growing in a natural environment.

Choose the correct answer from the option given below.

Both Statement I and Statement II are incorrect

Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect

Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct

Both Statement I and Statement II are correct

10. Question

A leaves have surface area 10 cm2 after some time due to growth their surface area increased and finally 15 cm2. What is the % of relative growth rate:

25 %

50 %

33.3 %

66.6 %

11. Question

Which of the following is the incorrect match:

ABA → Inhibits seed germination

ABA → Closure of stomata

Cytokinins → Stress hormone

Ethylene → Sprouting of potato tubers

12. Question

Select the correct statement for cytokinins:

Cytokinins help overcome the apical dominance

They promote nutrient  mobilisation which help in the delay of leaf senescence

It helps to produce new leaves, chloroplasts in leaves


13. Question

Typical growth curve in plants are:

stair-steps shaped


