NEET Biology | Daily MCQs Practice Questions | 20 July 2024 | NEET Exam

Engage with NEET Biology Daily MCQs Practice Questions for NEET exam preparations through daily updated online quiz (20 July 2024).

Jul 20, 2024 - 08:52
Aug 19, 2024 - 10:14
 0  7

1. Question

Assertion (A) :– The principle of vaccination is based on memory property of our immune system.
Reason (R) :– Vaccines generates memory-B and T cells that recognise the pathogen quickly on subsequent exposure.

Both Assertion & Reason are True & the Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.

Both Assertion & Reason are True but Reason is not a correct explanation of the Assertion.

Assertion is True but the Reason is False.

Both Assertion & Reason are False.

2. Question

Which of the following had smallest brain capacity?

Modern man

Java man

Neanderthal man

Homo habilis

3. Question

Homologous structures are a result of:

Divergent evolution

Convergent evolution

Stabilizing selection

Artificial selection

4. Question

Which of the following statements are not correct ?
(A) Microbodies are present in both plant and animal cells.
(B) All chromosomes have a staining secondary constriction at constant location.
(C) Each centriole has an organisation like cartwheel in longitudinal section
(D) Matrix of mitochondria contains enzymes required for the synthesis of carbohydrate only.

A only

B and C

B, C and D

A, B, C & D

5. Question

In animal cells. how many of the following can have ribosomes? 

cytoplasm, centrosome, endoplasmic reticulum, chloroplast, Golgi body, mitochondria.





6. Question

Which of the following event does not occur in mitosis?

Attachment of spindle fibres to the chromosomes

Reformation of nuclear envelope

Formation of synaptonemal complex

Splitting of centromere

7. Question

Choose the correct sequence of stages of Prophase I :

Leptotene → Zygotene → Pachytene → Diplotene → Diakinesis

Leptotene → Pachytene → Zygotene → Diplotene → Diakinesis

Leptotene → Zygotene → Pachytene → Diakinesis → Diplotene

Leptotene → Pachytene → Zygotene → Diakinesis → Diplotene

8. Question

How many chromatids and chromosomes are present in one bivalent during metaphase I ?

One and two respectively

Two and four respectively

Two and two respectively

Four and two respectively

9. Question

Consider the given two statements :
I. During G1 phase, the cell is metabolically active and continuously grows but does not replicate its DNA.
II. During G2 phase, proteins are synthesised in preparation for mitosis while cell growth is not seen.
Of the two statements ;

Only I is correct

Only II is correct

Both I & II are correct

Both I & II are incorrect

10. Question

Mitotic spindle is mainly composed of which proteins?





11. Question

If egg of an organism has 10 pg of DNA in its nucleus. How much DNA would a diploid cell of same organism have in G2 phase of meiosis?

10 pg


20 pg

40 pg

12. Question

Which one is covalent bond among following in protein 3-D form ?

H bond


Electrostatic bond

Disulfied bond

13. Question

The 20 different amino acid have different :-


Carboxylic group

Peptide bond

Amino group

14. Question

A device which provides the optimal conditions for achieving the desired product by providing optimal growth conditions (temperature, pH, substrate, salt, vitamins, oxygen) is called –


Biogas plant


Bio tank

15. Question

Given below are two statements:
Statement I : Restriction endonuclease is not an important tool of biotechnology.
Statement II : Ligase enzyme is responsible for joining of DNA fragment.

In the light of the above statements, choose the correct answer from the options given below:

Both statement-I and statement-II are incorrect

Both statement-I and statement-II are incorrect

Statement-I is incorrect but statement-II is correct

Both statement-I and statement-II are correct