NEET Biology | Daily MCQs Practice Questions | 24July 2024 | NEET Exam

Engage with NEET Biology Daily MCQs Practice Questions for NEET exam preparations through daily updated online quiz (24 July 2024).

Jul 23, 2024 - 21:36
Jul 25, 2024 - 07:43
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1. Question

How many types of pyrimidine Nitrogenus –bases are found in a m-RNA :-





2. Question

Adenine + Ribose + Phosphate form :


adenylic acid

adenosine diphosphate 

denosine triphosphate

3. Question

Mendelian result remain unrecognized till 1900 because-

Communication was not easy in those day

Mendels concept of gene as stable and discrete units was not accepted by his contemporaries

Mendels approach of using mathematics to explain biological phenomena was totally new

All the above

4. Question

Statement - I : In Morgan's experiment, cross-B showed less recombination than cross-A.
Statement - II : Walter Sutton and Theodore Boveri noted that the behaviour of chromosomes was parallel to the behaviour of genes

Statement I and II both are correct 

Statement I and II both are incorrect

Only Statement I is correct 

Only Statement II is correct

5. Question

E. coli bacteria were grown on heavy nitrogen medium for several generation and then transfered to normal or light nitrogen source. What must be the number of pure heavy DNA molecules after four generations on light nitrogen medium ?





6. Question

Which of the following is not an inclusion body?

Glucogen granules

Phosphate granules

Cyanophycean granules 


7. Question

If a bacterial cell divides once every minute and take 23 minutes to fill a bottle. How much time (in minute) it will take to fill half the bottle.





8. Question

Select the correct statements from the following
(a) Inferior ovary in found in Compositae family
(b) Superior ovary is found in Malvaceae family
(c) Inferior ovary is found in Cucurbitaceae family
(d) Superior ovary is found in Asteraceae family

a and b only

a and d only 

a, b and c 

a, c and d

9. Question

Gram, Arhar, Tomato, Brinjal, Tulip, Gloriosa, Indigofera, Potato, Asparagus, Aloe, Petunia, China rose, Lemon, Pea, Argemone, Primrose, Sun flower, Mustard.

Among above these plants how many plants have axile placentation.





10. Question

Find incorrect statements about sclerenchyma :-
(a) Wide lumen with lignified cell wall.
(b) Presence of pits.
(c) Present in hypodermis of maize and sunflower.
(d) These are dead and without protoplast.

a, d 

a, b

b, c, d 

a, c

11. Question

Which of the following is commonly observed in gymnosperm but not observed in dicot plant ?



Sieve cell 

Companion cell

12. Question

Wind pollinated flowers are :

Small, producing nectar and dry pollen

Small, brightly coloured, producing large number of pollen grains

Small, producing large number of dry pollen grains

Large producing abundant nectar and pollen

13. Question

Which one of the following is not a functional aspect of an ecosystem ?

Energy flow




14. Question

Assertion : Careful analysis of records shows that extinctions across taxa are not random
Reason : Amphibians appear to be more vulnerable to extinction.

Both Assertion & Reason are True & the Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.

Both Assertion & Reason are True but Reason is not a correct explanation of the Assertion.

Assertion is True but the Reason is False.

Both Assertion & Reason are False.

15. Question

The population growth is generally described by the following equation : 

dNdt=rN(KNK)\frac{dN}{dt} = rN \left(\frac{K - N}{K}\right)

What does 'r' represent in the given equation ?

Population density at time 't'

Intrinsic rate of natural increase

Carrying capacity 

The base of natural logarithm