Chemistry NEET Daily MCQs Practice Questions | 2 August, 2024

Enhance your NEET 2024 preparation with our daily Chemistry MCQs. Practice today's set of questions (2 August, 2024) to strengthen your understanding and performance. Detailed solutions and explanations are provided for each question.

Aug 2, 2024 - 08:49
Aug 6, 2024 - 08:56
 0  4

1. Question

Among the following complex ions, one having highest magnetic moment is :-

[Fe(CN)6] -3




2. Question

Out of the following ions, colourless ions are :-

Sc⁺³, Zn⁺³, Ti⁺³

Zn⁺², V⁺³, V⁺⁴

Zn⁺², Sc⁺³, Ti⁺⁴

Zn⁺², Cu⁺², Mn⁺²

3. Question

Select the incorrect statement.

The canonical forms have no real existence.

The molecule exist for a certain fraction of time in one canonical form and for other fraction of time in other canonical form.

There is no such equilibrium between the canonical forms as between tautomeric forms in tautomerism.

The molecule as such as a single structure which is the resonance hybrid of the canonical forms and which cannot as such be depicted by a single lewis structure.

4. Question

Select the incorrect condition for hybridisation:

The orbitals present in the valence shell of the atom are hybridisd.

The orbitals undergoing hybridisation should have almost equal energy.

Promotion of electron is an essential condition prior to hybridisation.

It is not necessary that only half filled orbitals participate in hybridisation. In some cases, even filled orbitals of valence shell take part in hybridisation.

5. Question

Select the correct statement.

σ2s molecular orbital formed due to destructive interference.

σ*2s molecular orbital formed due to destructive interference.

π2px molecular orbital formed due to destructive interference.

π∗2px molecular orbital formed due to constructive interference.

6. Question

In which of the following, shielding effect is minimum?





7. Question

Which one of the following ions does not give borax bead test?





8. Question

Which one of the following metal salts produces a blue coloured bead in cobalt nitrate charcoal cavity test?





9. Question

Which of the following combination with Fe(II) ion to form a brown complex?





10. Question

Assertion: In Daniell cell, electrons flow from Zn rod to Cu rod.
Reason: Zn rod acts as cathode and Cu rod acts as anode in Daniell cell.

Both Assertion & Reason are True & the Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.

Both Assertion & Reason are True but Reason is not a correcte xplanation of the Assertion.

Assertion is True but the Reason is False.

Both Assertion & Reason are False.

11. Question

Which of the following statements is/are correct?

Solution of bromoethane and chloroethane is an ideal solution.

Copper dissolved in gold is an example of solid solution.

The concentration of pollutants in water or atmosphere is expressed in terms of ppm.

All are correct.

12. Question

Assertion : The probability that more than three molecules taking part in a reaction can collide and react simultaneously is very small.
Reason : For complex reaction, molecularity has no meaning.

Both Assertion & Reason are True & the Reason is a correct explanation of the Assertion.

Both Assertion & Reason are True but Reason is not a correct explanation of the Assertion.

Assertion is True but Reason is False.

Both Assertion & Reason are False.

13. Question

Which of the following is/are true?

The osmotic pressure method is more useful than other methods for determination of molar masses of macromolecules.

Magnitude of osmotic pressure is large even for very dilute solutions.

To avoid bends, the tanks used by scuba divers are filled with air diluted with Helium.

All are correct.

14. Question

The vapour pressure of pure liquids A and B are 450 and 700 mmHg respectively at 350 K. Calculate the composition of vapour phase if total vapour pressure is 600 mmHg.

YA = 0.7,  YB = 0.3

YA = 0.6, YB = 0.4

YA = 0.3, YB = 0.7

YA = 0.4,  YB = 0.6

15. Question

Choose the correct option.

  1. Dil. H2SO4 is added while preparing standard solution of FeSO4.(NH4)2SO4 to prevent the hydrolysis of ferrous salt.
  2. KMnO4 acts as self indicator in redox titration.
  3. Calorimeter is used for determining enthalpy of neutralization.
  4. 79 is the equivalent wt. of KMnO4 in alkaline medium as an oxidant.
    [mol. wt.of KMnO4 = 158]